How Do You Shelf Your Books

Today, someone in an online picture book writers’ group I belong to posted a question…How do you organize your picture books? This got me thinking. I looked around my office, then my bedroom, moved to my living room, my lower level living room, my guest bedroom, and finally, my closet. How do I organize my picture books as for that matter any of my books? I organize my books a couple of different ways.
In my office, I have a shelf for my own published books. While revising a manuscript and doubt begins to creeps in all I have, to do is look up and I am inspired and encouraged to keep plugging away. Studying, researching and finally, picking the perfect word is a lot like searching for the perfect puzzle piece only with writing a writer knows every word is fair game when it comes time for revision.
Along these titles, I have all my writing books, how to write a query letter, handbook on magazine writing, writing books for young people and many others.
On my desk, I have piles of library books for current projects. Weekly, I go to the library and check out a bagful of picture books. I read them, study them, count the words, study character and structure and then read them all over again.
I have piles of books that I am using as reference books on manuscripts I am working on. Piles of books on Arlington National Cemetery, Ellis Island, and Cherry Blossoms to name a few sit on my desk currently.
I am happy in my office. I am surrounded by books, paper and art work what else could be better!? What is sitting on your desk?

my published titles


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